Institute of Computation
Simone Bianco, PhD
VP, Computation

"I joined Altos because I see it as the nexus of three very important components: A brilliant idea - to understand what, fundamentally, is cellular health; synergy at an unprecedented scale between experimental and computational life sciences; and a stellar research team composed of some the smartest (and nicest!) people on the planet."
Dr. Simone Bianco is a Vice President of Computation at Altos Labs and formerly a Principal Investigator at the Bay Area Institute of Science.
Prior to joining, Altos Simone was a research staff member and manager of the department of Functional Genomics and Cellular Engineering at the IBM Almaden Research Center. He is an expert in computer driven design of biological systems. Simone has contributed to the design of vaccines, antivirals, antimicrobials and immunotherapies, and holds several patents in synthetic biology. He is founding PI of the NSF Center for Cellular Construction, which aims at transforming cell biology into an engineering discipline. Simone is a TED speaker with over 1M views, recipient of IBM’s Outstanding Research Achievement Award, and an honorary visiting lecturer for the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, for his standing in the field of dynamical systems and commitment to education.